Thursday, February 11, 2010

Doughnuts and a Blizzard

Woo hoo hoo hoo! Did we get some snow yesterday or what?! It looked to me like it ended up being about 12 inches in Queens. And everyone on my way to work this morning was shoveling. Suckers!

I, luckily, don't have to shovel because I don't own my apartment. That's why I get to call the shovelers "suckers". Also, just because I'm nice!

I trecked my way into work yesterday for a full hour before they closed our office. Que suerte!
I got the chance to get out to the park by my apartment and take some pictures. There were some people out tubing, sledding and building snowmen.

My favorite though, was the people who were out for a run.

Let me repeat myself: OUT. FOR. A. RUN. IN A BLIZZARD! Are you nuts?? I wanted to slap them and shove a doughnut down their throats.

Anyways, after I trudged myself home from work, I found it to be an excellent opportunity to make doughnuts. That pesky Pioneer Woman put it into my head earlier this week. It's not my fault.

I definitely can't explain the doughnuts any better than she can, so you can go there to see the step by step tutorial she put together. What a kewl gal.

But before you click over, emmerse yourself in the deliciousness:

And oh boy oh boy! Were these dudes delicious! I was pretty proud of my success, but I didn't even realize how proud I was allowed to be until these disappeared a full .2 seconds after I set them out at work. Such a fun project for a snow day!


  1. I am so impressed! They are gorgeous. When do you open your bakery?

  2. I'm still LOL'ing about slapping them & shoving a doughnut down their throats. Bwahahahaha!

  3. Haha thanks Grannyloo! Oh, you know, I'll open a bakery the next time I win the lottery ;)

    JP, it was a toss up between shoving doughnuts down their throats or chucking donuts AT them. What a conundrum!

  4. [...] curse words under their breath), I decided some fried deliciousness was in order. Since I mde doughnuts on the last snow day, I thought I should keep with the theme.  And I remembered some over the top [...]
