Friday, February 5, 2010

5-Minute Chocolate Cake

So you get home, you've had a long day, not even your favorite tv show is keeping the pms at bay and you want some cake. Now. Chocolate cake to be exact and you will not rest until you have it.

Solution: 5 minute chocolate cake.

This little dude is made in the microwave. Did I just blow your mind? Because it did for me the first time I heard about it.

Between one of my roommates getting mad at me everytime I bake cookies because she swears I'm making her fat (I can't really blame her, now, can I?) and my co-workers saying the same thing, I decided a little single portion post would keep the yelling at bay (of course they always eat it, oh and ah at me, and then yell at me 5 minutes later).

Now, this is not the best chocolate cake in the world. It's a little spongy and a bit on the dry side. It is cake, however. Chocolate cake. And made in about 5 minutes.

Emphasis here is speedy and chocolatey. This will cure that chocolate cake craving that just wont go away. Go forth and be pms-ey (is that weird to say? whatever).

5-Minute Chocolate Cake

4 tablespoons cake flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons unsweetened baking cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips
Dash of vanilla

Add the dry ingredients to a coffee mug and mix well.

Add the egg and mix again.

Pour in the milk and oil and mix yet again.

Add the chocolate chips and vanilla and, would't you know it, you mix again!

Microwave mug for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.

Allow the cake to cool a little before overturning on a plate.


  1. dude, I literally headed directly to my kitchen to attempt to make this little creature I was so intrigued, but alas! discovered that I am out of unsweetened cocoa. I'm still tempted to try it with... some concoction of cocoa, but... knowing the results will not be remotely the same, the project is tabled for now. But I am fascinated and impressed and love the idea of this.

  2. yes, one of your roommates DOES yell at you for baking and making her fat. This looks amazing though, i'm glad and sad that I missed it at the same time.

  3. O'Neil...get some unsweetened cocoa. This cake will save your life one night =)

    Annie, I do what I can!
