Have I mentioned how obsessed I am with mint chocolate chip ice cream? It's true. Blame Lady Jay Pee. She makes the bestest mint chocolate chip ice cream because it's also her favorite. So, I made her recipe for deliciousness.
I think I am going to round up every recipe for mint chocolate chip ice cream and make each one (not at the same time, obviously). Anyways, this one was delicious, as I knew it would be. Don't be a hater like Spice (she doesn't like anything mint, although that means more for me!), and make this!
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Eating, Etc.
4 cups half and half
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons peppermint extract (I like it extra pepperminty!)
3 drops green food coloring
1 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips
Mix together the half and half, sugar, salt, extracts and food coloring. Pour mixture into ice cream maker and freeze according to manufacturer's instructions. About 5 minutes before it is done, add the chocolate chips.
God help me, I love this stuff too. I justify eating it nearly nightly because of making it with half&half instead of cream. Oh, and when The Niece was here, we made it twice...once, at her requests, with lavender food coloring and once with orange; strangely, it didn't taste as minty as a result. ;)