Do you have one of those recipes that you use frequently when you attend a potluck-type gathering? I do...and this is it!
Many years ago (and by many I probably only mean 5 years), I found a recipe for Cheesecake Cookie Cups on Nestle's Website. I made them once and they were delicious and transported well and were so neatly individually sized, that I just make them every time now! We had a cast party last weekend and, of course, this is what I made.
The only things I change on the recipe is I exclude the pie filling because it would get too messy and instead, top the cups with a few chocolate chips. I also make my own chocolate chip cookie dough because it is always more delicious that way!
Cheesecake Cookie Cups
Nestle Tollhouse
1 recipe of your favorite chocolate chip cookie dough (my favorite)
2 8-oz. packages of cream cheese
1 14-oz. can sweetened condensed milk
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
Line a muffin tin with paper muffin cups. Place a large spoonful of cookie dough on bottom of cups. Bake in oven for about 8 minutes.
Meanwhile, beat the cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk, eggs and vanilla together in a large bowl.
Pour about 4 tablespoons of the cream cheese mixture over the baked cookie and return to the oven for about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and immediately place a few chocolate chips on top of the cupcake. Allow to cool on wire rack before refrigerating for at least one hour.
Don't forget to bask in the glory of all the compliments you will be getting =)
Cheesecake plus chocolate chip cookies--what a GREAT idea!