Taking this bad boy out of the oven was definitely one of those, 'Wow I did good!' moments. It was lovely and brown and full of olive oil goodness. I made this guy into a gorgeous strata (which I will get to I promise) and a pizza. Plus there was plenty left over for snacking. I will be making this bread for years to come, it may take 2 days but it is well worth it!

To my lovely WWer's, this bread is a total splurge, 3 measly ounces is a whopping 8 points (its all the oil that goes on top). But if there ever was an excuse to break into your extra weekly points this is it!
You are right; that book is A MAZ ING. It has the B.E.S.T. homemade pizza dough recipe I have EVER sunk my teeth into. I don't even look at others.