Monday, April 5, 2010

Baseball Sugar Cookies Part Deux

First off, Happy Easter!

Second, I disappeared last week. It was for a good reason, though. I was baking and decorating almost 400 sugar cookies for my friend, Rebecca's wedding favors. I sure had fun making all of these and was able to use a new technique I learned about too!

Over at Bake at 350, I learned that you can pipe royal icing onto wax paper, peel it off, and stick it onto wet icing on a cookie. While I was reading this post, I kept getting more and more excited thinking about the Yankees and Boston Red Sox logo I knew I was going to have to pipe onto a cookie. If I could be almost 100% accurate, I knew my life would be complete (well, relatively speaking). Given that when I did a test run of these cookies, I found that piping the logos directly onto the cookies made them appear pretty off-kilter. Imagine my excitement at my new use for wax paper!!

At work, I printed off pages of both the Red Sox "B", the Yankees "NY", and "R & S" letters. I made sure they were a dark color so that I could see them easily through wax paper. Then I taped the sheet to my work surface and taped the wax paper to the top of it. Using a size 2 tip, I traced and then filled each logo (about 130 of each).

After letting them dry overnight, I carefull peeled them off the wax paper and set then on plates to be used.

I'd made the cookies about a week beforehand to make sure I had them all baked before I started decorating. I ended up asking Meaghan over at The Decorated Cookie for advice on cookie storage and she told me that I could freeze both undecorated and decorated cookies for several weeks in the freezer. That made me feel a lot better about life in general. =)

After letting the cookies defrost in the plastic bags and tupperware I had froze them in, I layed them out on literally every open surface in our apartment. It was a cookie explosion!

Then I outlined each cookie, and filled them in as usual. Thank goodness Spice helped me fill some of the cookies or I never would have finished. Actually, I would have finished, there just would have been an all night cookies decorating excursion this past weekend.

After several cookies were filled and still wet, I placed one of the logos onto the icing. I couldn't believe my fortune because they looked great! The only issue I had was that the blue icing on the base of the Yankees cookies bled onto the white logo. Small potatoes.

Almost 400 cookies later, the bad boys were done. The next day, I stacked them up.

Miles upon miles upon miles of cookies. Ready to be bagged and taken away. Far, far away to Philly.

They turned out really well. My favorite were the Red Sox B's. I can't believe how many cookies I made and decorated. It was crazy to see them all lined up in bags ready to be hauled away for the wedding.

Hopefully everyone at the wedding will like them! Rebecca seemed to when she saw them! I used my usual sugar cookie and royal icing recipes here.


  1. You win the award for the best friend ever! These truly were spectacular!

  2. These are genius! I am bowing and applauding--they are spectacular and also look very delicious.

  3. I can testify the cookies taste as amazing as they look! Great job, Sugar!

  4. YOU are a walking cookie-making factory. What an amazing feat! Thanks for walking us through how you did it. If they're the same recipe that you made for us for Valentine's Day, pick me to help eat the 400! :)

  5. These cookies were amazing! I was at the wedding (Scott's my cousin) and I just asked him who made the cookies and if I could get the recipe. He passed along your blog - definitely a bookmark now! Thanks!!! (off to make Elmo cookies for my son's 2nd b-day party)

  6. Hi Holly! I'm so glad you enjoyed the cookies! And thanks for visiting my blog!

    Elmo cookies! What an undertaking! I'd love to see the final product!

  7. Thanks for posting this! I finished making Yankee cookies this morning for my bf's birthday. He loved them!!! They didn't turn out quite as nice as yours but not bad for a newbie.

  8. You have just made my life so much easier!! Thank you! Can't wait to try this out.

  9. Is there any chance you would do Astros cookies for MY wedding? :)

  10. Thanks for your tutorial! I made some great cookies for my brother and sister-in-law's wedding (Red Sox and Yankees, as well) using your technique. :)
