Time to time you are going to get home sick and after dealing with it for a few years now I know that the only cure for the sickness is making something that reminds me home. This recipe is from my grandma, and I do not remember having a family gathering without it. In fact it was one of the recipes I made sure to master before I left for college knowing that I would need it and use it for the rest of my life. Eating these little guys gave me just the taste of home I was looking for and will hopefully hold me over until I get to see my fam at Thanksgiving.
Chocolate Pie is gooey and delicious and perfect. This recipe does not focus on the crust, in fact go ahead and buy a frozen or a cookie crust, nobody will care because all the focus will be on the perfect pudding filling. You can top it with cream, berries, powdered sugar, or just eat it plain. I can promise you, you will not be disappointed.
Chocolate Pie
Tooley Style
1.5 cups sugar
1.5 cups milk
1 beaten egg
dash of salt
4 tbsp corn starch
4 tbsp cocoa
chunk butter
1 tsp vanilla
In a large saucepan over medium heat whisk sugar and milk together. Once the mixture starts to heat up add in the beaten egg. From this point on you will have to whisk vigorously. Add in the cocoa and once it is completely incorporated add in the corn starch. It will start to thicken pretty quickly, keep on whisking until you reach the desired texture, which for me is super thick and creamy. At this point remove the pudding from the heat and stir in the butter and vanilla. Fill shell and let cool in the fridge for a hour or two (if you can make it that long)
As you can see I made mini pies, using a half batch of the above pudding recipe. This pudding keeps for about a week but I promise you it will not last that long.
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